
2 pieces pig's ear
1/4 kilo pork butt (pigue)
water to cover
1 slice pork liver

Traditional Dressing-
1/4 cup vinegar
1/2 cup chopped onions
3 pieces hot chili (siling labuyo) minced
fine salt and pepper mill grind
black pepper to taste

Charito's Dressing
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons calamansi juice
1/2 cup chopped onions
Fine salt and pepper mill grind black pepper to taste


- Wash the pig's ears and pork butt very well. Boil some water in a large stockpot. Add the pork pieces and allow to boil for 5 minutes. Discard the stock. Wash the pork pieces in cold running water. Rinse the stockpot and fill with water 3/4 full. Allow to boil. Add the pork pieces and let boil. Lower the flame and allow to simmer until fork tender.

-Separate the meaty parts of the pork from the ears. Cut the meat into huge chunks. Slice the ear into strips then into small pieces. Traditionally, the pork pieces are broiled over hot charcoal together with the liver. Frying the meaty parts is an alternative that may be more convinient. After frying or broiling the meat, cut into small pieces. Do not fry or broil the ears as they tend to get tough after frying/broiling.

-Boil the pork liver until well done. Cut into small portions.

-When ready to serve, combine the pig's ears, the pork and the liver. Pour the desired dressing over the combined meats. Toss gently to mix.

-As an option, heat some margarine in a frying pan. Add the minced pork and the liver. Saute until glossy. Pour in the dressing. Allow to cook for 3 minutes on high heat, toasting some of the pieces in the process. Serve Hot.


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